Advanced Design and Testing of an Electric Powertrain for High Performance Motorcycles

The strong push toward electrification, although less noticeable than in the automotive market, is also present in the motorcycle field: the evolution of homologation regulations in the motorcycle field has followed what has been deliberated for motor vehicles in the past, and the progressive lowering of tolerated limits for pollutants will lead to important demands for CO2 reduction. The PREME project aims to lay the foundations for the design of a new generation of electric powertrains, suitable for the realization of sport motorcycles that will provide satisfactory performance, drivability and autonomy even in track riding. Particular attention is paid to the manufacturing processes required to integrate components while reducing masses and volumes, and to technologies to monitor powertrain operation. Additional benefit of the transition to electric motorcycle mobility, in addition to reduced emissions, could be the positive alteration of the perception of sport motorcycles, which will no longer be seen as polluting and inefficient vehicles.

  • Provision of services and infrastructure
    Il progetto PREME si avvarrà deiservizi messi a disposizione da BI-REX, in particolare per quanto riguarda il supporto nella gestione del rapporto contrattuale con l’Università di Bologna. In fact, Ducati will establish, through BI-REX, a collaborative relationship with the University of Bologna that will lead to the activation of a research contract for the performance of activities complementary to those carried out by the project partners.
  • Sharing, use, dissemination of produced material and know-how
    All material produced and know-how will be shared among the project partners after being properly prepared. In particular, the methodologies used and the results obtained will be explained, safeguarding confidentiality.
  • Ducati Motor Holding SpA (Coordinatore)
  • ALMA Automotive Srl

Call: Call 3

Area: Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Sub Area: Development of Electric Powertrain for High Performance Motorcycles

Implementation period: 01.07.2021 – 31.06.2022