INDOOR TRACEABILITY: Indoor tracking for proactive management of logistics flows

The INTRACE project will analyze the predominantly indoor tracking issues of End User companies in relation to the use cases of certain production processes, identify applicable sensor technologies and IT solutions for data integration, management, and analysis, and finally develop a pilot for tracking the selected use case through re-engineering the logical and physical processes, defining the data structure, and integrating the solution into the information system. The main objective of this proposal is to identify, develop, integrate and apply enabling technologies for product and process traceability along the intra- and extra-establishment supply chain through a collaborative and proactive approach.

  • Provision of services, Pilot Line and infrastructure
    Il progetto farà ampio uso delle tecnologie, delle infrastrutture e dei servizi offerti da BI-REX. In relazione alla Linea Pilota, BI-REX metterà a disposizione equipaggiamenti e attrezzature per lo sviluppo di demo, proof of concept, use-case; inoltre INTRACE si avvarrà dei servizi di General Contractor, Project Management, Comunicazione (pubblicazione di documentazione su riviste di settore, organizzazione di un evento divulgativo in cui presentare i risultati) e Location (per svolgimento attività formative ed eventi di progetto).
  • Sharing, use, dissemination of produced material and know-how
    All content/materials produced (presentations, case studies, best practices, reports) will be shared with BI-REX and partnership members and used for dissemination and know-how dissemination purposes: this material can be used for training activities, for scientific dissemination, and from a business support perspective.
  • Alascom Srl (Coordinatore)
  • Unitec SpA
  • SACMI Imola SC
  • Bonfiglioli SpA
  • Philip Morris Manufacturing and Technology Bologna SpA
  • Modis Consulting Srl

Call: Call 1

Area: Advanced systems for production process management

Sub Area: Real-Time Traceability of Products and Processes

Implementation period: 30.07.2020 – 29.01.2022