Safe&CyberSecure with the servize offered in cooperation by BI-REX, Siemens e FTP
Today it is a necessity to integrate production networks (Operation Technologies – OT) and Enterprise networks (Information and Communication Technologies-ICT) through a secure, resilient infrastructure that keeps up with digital transformation projects and fourth industrial revolution technologies.
BI-REX supports companies in their innovation and digital transformation processes, facilitating the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and technology transfer through a wide range of services. Among these, the flagship is the Pilot Line, an interconnected digital factory where 4.0 technologies are integrated with traditional ones in a cybersecure and reconfigurable context.
The challenge is to secure industrial systems and redesign infrastructures to make networks reliable and high-performance while avoiding production stoppages. The possibility of carrying out Test-before-Invest activities in the Pilot Line and the centrality of the digitisation of industry in the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) have given rise to the Industrie Sicure&CyberSicure service born from the collaboration between BI-REX, Siemens and FTP.
Siemens offers a wide range of technologies to meet the diverse needs of industries that want to emerge in a digital future.
FTP is the partner of choice for designing, monitoring and ensuring the security of industrial networks and the ideal infrastructure for every production environment, thanks to its long-standing experience in various industrial environments of leading companies.

STEP 1 – Test-Before-Invest in
Half-day at the Pilot Line and identification of needs:
- Analysis of IT-OT integration solutions in BI-REX, implemented with the support of Siemens-FTP and IBM;
- Access to Big Data & IoT area;
- Defence in Depth concept and compliance with security standards, structural and perimeter risks;
- Hardware and software technology options for security management;
- Training opportunities and access to Tax Credits 4.0.
STEP 2 – General Infrastructure Assessment (Case Study)
SiemensCustomer diagram analysis:
- Certified technical specialists are involved in an Infrastructure OT Analysis on the existing plant and a risk assessment through a physical inspection;
- We find out the weaknesses and possible critical points in the environment by verifying the overall defence level of the OT infrastructure and the level of risk to which the industrial system is exposed.

STEP 3 – New Solution Design
Drafting of the network architecture and layout:
We activate the team of infrastructure design experts to design a flexible and ‘secure by design’ industrial networking infrastructure, correcting any structural inaccuracies and designing it to the required security standards.
STEP 4 – Network architecture implementation
Implementation of DMZ network architecture and cell segmentation:
- Implementation of the new OT network architecture project by applying the best technologies suitable for the industrial environment;
- Specific network and security activities requiring high technical competence and careful management in project implementation.