28 September 2023 /15:30 - 17:00
After the summer holidays, we were immediately back in operation with the presentation event of the Digisensor project: the realisation of the digital twin for the control of a high-precision sensor production line. The project was realised in partnership by Var Group, Marposs and Ellesse.
To ensure high levels of production efficiency, manufacturing companies are increasingly moving towards solutions that provide a global view of the market and centralised governance of business processes. Thanks to the Digital Twin of an Organisation (DTO), companies can prioritise, analyse, monitor and plan their business in a predefined and dedicated environment.
This is precisely why Marposs, a company that manufactures products for the precision measurement of mechanical components, decided to embark on a digital transformation path to optimise the efficiency of its highly specialised assembly line. Thanks to the choice of Xautamata, a platform for the creation of digital twins of any process within an organisation, the company can now make use of preventive maintenance logics and guide strategic decisions.
A data-driven evolution process to guarantee an increasingly future-proof business.
On Thursday 28 September, we organised a project presentation event starting at 15:30 with the following programme:
- Introduction to BI-REX (by Stefano Cattorini);
- Institutional greetings (by Franco Cima);
- Introduction to the Digisensor project: needs and objectives achieved (by Stefano Minguzzi);
- Increasing production efficiency through Digital Twin: the project developed with Var Group (by Andrea Jacassi);
- Accelerating business innovation through hybrid technologies: the benefits of Open Shift (by Giuseppe Romano);
- Q&A session;
- Pilot Line Tour (by Francesco Meoni).
For further information: manlio.urbano@bi-rex.it o sara.lusini@bi-rex.it.