Discover all the news about BI-REX’s ecosystem!
From MISE a new push for the dissemination of Skills 4.0
The eight Competence Centers will be strengthened and supported by new players for the creation of technology transfer centers, thanks [...]
Discover all the news about BI-REX’s ecosystem!
The eight Competence Centers will be strengthened and supported by new players for the creation of technology transfer centers, thanks [...]
Industria 4.0 talks about the "Deepmon" Open Innovation project, co-financed by MiSE and Bi-Rex thanks to a research and innovation [...]
The Ippodamo platform, born within the context of the first call issued by BI-REX, is configured as a technological solution [...]
The second stage of Innovation Days 2022, the Sole 24 Ore and Confindustria roadshow dedicated to digital transition, sustainable mobility, [...]
A great new recognition for our Competence Center, confirming its role as a strategic player in innovation and technology transfer [...]
A new decree signed by the Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti activates the first 33.5 million euros of investments [...]
SAP Italy, in collaboration with some partners, organized a series of meetings in 4 Italian cities with the aim of [...]
We are expanding our training offer with a new digital platform created in collaboration with TIM Academy: this project addresses [...]
The initiative is part of Osservatorio Industria 4.0, already launched over a year ago, with the aim of mapping [...]
BI-REX apre le adesioni per imprese e centri di ricerca interessati ad aderire alle iniziative e ai servizi del consorzio: una grande opportunità per entrare a far parte del mondo Industria 4.0 e cogliere le chance della trasformazione digitale