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On Tuesday 11 July, we hosted the presentation event of the Technological Innovation project ‘DATAH: A DATA driven solution to reduce multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria health hazards’ in collaboration with Baxter SpA and K-Digitale Srl.

The spread of bacteria resistant to antibiotic therapy (Multi Drug Resistant, MDR) is a major public health problem, which requires the adoption of advanced surveillance systems.

In this context, DATAH intends to optimise and automate clinical processes for the management and monitoring of diagnostic routines for the surveillance of activities and risks related to care-related infections (HAIs), with a focus on colonisation by antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as carbapenemase-resistant enterobacteria (CRE).

To this end, DATAH:

  • Realises IoT devices based on machine learning for gesture recognition (handwashing);
  • Optimises indoor localisation systems using quantum computing algorithms;
  • Manages real-time processes using Business Process Models and Notation (BPMN).

The developed systems allow the realisation of an innovative digital platform capable of verifying the implementation of routines and changing them automatically based on trigger events, in order to execute the most suitable actions for the scenario occurring within a healthcare facility.


To this end, on Tuesday 11 July we organised a project presentation event starting at 15:00 with the following programme:

  • Introduction to BI-REX (by Stefano Cattorini);
  • Institutional greetings (by Franco Cima e Michele Zanoni);
  • Project presentation (by Paolo Rossi e Alberto Garinei);
  • Hand-washing device based on machine learning (by Enrico Ferlinghetti e Matteo Lancini);
  • Quantum Computing for the optimisation of indoor localisation devices (byMassimiliano Proietti);
  • Process Management through BPMN (by Lorenzo Sani);
  • Pilot Line Tour (by Francesco Meoni).

For further information: manlio.urbano@bi-rex.it o sara.lusini@bi-rex.it.

Stefano Cattorini, BI-REX General Director

Franco Cima, Delegate Advisor Digital Agenda, Institutional Affairs and Regulatory Innovation Metropolitan City of Bologna

Michele Zanoni, Collaborator General Directorate of Knowledge, Research, Labor, Business Staff Emilia-Romagna Region

Paolo Rossi, Senior Sales Manager Baxter S.p.A.

Alberto Garinei, Professor of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements University of Guglielmo Marconi Studies, Scientific Manager of K-Digitale S.r.l and Idea-Re S.r.l.

Matteo Lancini, Associate professor of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements University of Brescia

Enrico Ferlinghetti, Ph.D. candidate at the Laboratory of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements, University of Brescia, Italy, and at the Laboratory of Human Motion Sciences, Medical University of Groningen, Netherlands

Massimiliano Proietti, Senior Data Scientist Idea-Re S.r.l.

Lorenzo Sani, Senior Data Scientist Idea-Re S.r.l.

Francesco Meoni, Head of BI-REX Pilot Line


11 July 2023
15:00 - 18:00
Event Category:


(+39) 051.0923250


Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 20
Bologna, 40133 Italia
+ Google Map

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