for BI-REX
BI-REX’s training catalogue is enriched with TIM Academy’s online courses on Industry 4.0 technologies and a digital platform with customizable environments, authentication through user-id and password, and reporting to monitor training progress.
Skills 4.0
The revolution brought about by Industry 4.0 is rapidly changing professions and skills, generating a digital gap that requires continuous training and learning.

The digital gap that is often detected in organizations requires training and continuous learning, as well as the ability to adapt to renewed business processes.
Digital skills are the key element in transforming production models and designing an interconnected and sustainable future, to the point that even the Impresa 4.0 incentive program allocated by the Ministry of Economic Development has introduced a tax credit for digital training.
Big data, robotics, edge and cloud computing, virtual and augmented reality can only be successfully adopted if one is able to “use them in the best possible way, in the most useful and profitable way for one’s particular company, activity, work reality”.
The importance of the pairing of technology and training is the founding element of the partnership between BI-REX and TIM’s Corporate Academy, a collaboration that brings together TIM’s online training activities on Industry 4.0 technologies and BI-REX’s didactic offerings, both in presence on the 5G Pilot Line and remotely.
TIM Academy Education Market
TIM Corporate Academy offers companies training courses dedicated to the use of technology and digital solutions
TIM Corporate Academy was set up in 2016 with the aim of training the Group’s employees, almost 40 thousand people, and responding to the need to update internal skills and develop new professionalism. Since 2020, in close collaboration with the Innovation and Open Innovation departments, it has set itself a new goal: to bring TIM’s skills to the market.
It develops its offer starting from the experience gained with its own people and sharing the paths successfully tested in TIM.
The solutions proposed are aimed at SMEs, public administration, and schools, and are dedicated to the use of basic digital and IT technology.
The offer of courses and training paths is flanked by collaborations with leading Italian universities, with the aim of building research poles of excellence with Research and Innovation Development objectives.
Through its training proposal, TIM Academy aims to contribute to shaping the virtuous circle that generates the continuous updating of technology, which starts from the research that develops knowledge and requires new skills and arrives at the companies that require these skills to improve and keep up with the times.
LearningFLIX for BI-REX
The digital platform available to companies that want to invest in training
LearningFlix is the digital platform available to all interested companies, offering customisable environments, authentication through user-id and password and reporting to monitor the progress of training.
The platform, delivered in Platform As A Service (PAAS) mode, provides access to an extensive catalogue in all-you-can-learn mode, i.e. with no limitation on the number of courses each user can take. The content of the platform will be enriched over time with new contributions thanks to the university and entrepreneurial ecosystem of which Bi-rex is part.
LearningFlix is a modern, fast, easy-to-use solution. It is accessible from any device: all you need is a stable internet connection, a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone, and an up-to-date browser such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox.