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What were the activities implemented by BI-REX during the first three-year period? And what are the plans for the future considering the new MIMIT decree? In the last important event organised by our Competence Centre, we shed light on these aspects, showing concretely what we have achieved so far and how we will continue to create and bring innovation to companies through company testimonials, demos and case studies.


Accelerating the digital transition and the transfer of technologies and skills, in order to bring innovation to the territory for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises: this is the goal of BI-REX, which will be recounted starting with data from its first three years of activity.

In addition to the activities carried out, we talked about the future objectives of BI-REX and BI-REX++ as key implementers of the PNRR, in the light of the new MIMIT decree: focus on projects in the pipeline, the expansion plan of our Centre, and new services and infrastructures to support businesses.


The press conference had the following programme:

  • Institutional Greetings BI-REX (Domenico Bambi and Luca Tomesani);
  • Institutional Greetings Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (Raffaele Spallone);
  • Institutional Greetings Emilia-Romagna Region (Vincenzo Colla);
  • Focus on BI-REX: the data of the first three years, the impact on the territory and the future objectives of BI-REX and BI-REX++ (Stefano Cattorini);
  • Concrete case: testimony from an innovative SME, Poggipolini SpA (Michele Poggipolini);
  • BI-REX Pilot Line presentation and guided tour: participants will be able to experience the new 4.0 technologies and the TEST before INVEST, through demos and case studies (Francesco Meoni).

For further information contact the followinf e-mail addresses: manlio.urbano@bi-rex.it e sara.lusini@bi-rex.it.

Domenico Bambi, Executive Committee President BI-REX

Luca Tomesani, Steering Committee President BI-REX

Raffaele Spallone, Director – Division II – Digitization and enterprise policy and analysis of productive sectors MIMIT

Vincenzo Colla, Councillor for Economic Development and Green Economy, Labor, Training, International Relations of the Emilia-Romagna Region

Stefano Cattorini, General Director BI-REX

Michele Poggipolini, CEO Poggipolini SpA

Francesco Meoni, Head of the Pilot Line BI-REX

Dante Trefoloni, Owner Trefoloni & Associati (moderatore)


23 March 2023
11:00 - 13:00
Event Category:


(+39) 051.0923250


Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 20
Bologna, 40133 Italia
+ Google Map

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