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A new presentation event of the projects implemented under the third call issued by BI-REX in partnership with  Energia Europa S.p.A. and Geostech srl. On 19 April, at our premises, we presented the project ALADIN – THE POWER QUALITY GENIUS: Development and Engineering of the SMART_PQP.


Low Power Quality (due to reactive loads, imbalances, micro-interruptions, etc.) leads to energy losses, component failures and power and industrial process interruptions with associated economic damage. ALADIN – THE POWER QUALITY GENIUS (SMART_PQP Project) is an advanced system for measuring and monitoring Power Quality phenomena in the electrical networks of production, commercial and office sites.

It is an energy management project that intends to ensure significant energy savings, with consequent environmental benefits related to the reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.


In order to present the project and show the results obtained, we organised a dedicated event on Wednesday 19 April at our Competence Centre, based on the following programme:

  • BI-REX greetings (by Stefano Cattorini);
  • Emilia-Romagna Region institutional greetings (by Claudia Romano);
  • Power Quality, the impact on electricity grids and plants and the monitoring of phenomena (by Francesco Grasso);
  • The importance of research and collaboration with university institutes for an innovative company in the ecological transition market (by Stefano De Giorgis);
  • Concept and objectives of the Aladin project (by Libero Paolucci);
  • Hardware and software development of the Aladin system (by Alessandro Bartolini);
  • The engineering of the Aladin system (by Ruggero Calò);
  • Applications and evolution of the Aladin system, the next challenges (by Francesco Grasso);
  • Pilot Line Tour (edited by Francesco Meoni).

For further information contact the following e-mail address: sara.lusini@bi-rex.it.

Stefano Cattorini, BI-REX General Director

Ing. Claudia Romano, Head of the Energy and Green Economy Area of the Emilia-Romagna Region Executive Board

Prof. Francesco Grasso, University of Florence

Dott. Stefano De Giorgis, CEO Energia Europa SPA

Ing. Libero Paolucci, University of Florence and co-founder Poweremp

Ing. Alessandro Bartolini, University of Florence and co-founder Poweremp

Ing. Ruggero Calò, CEO and Technical Manager Geostech

Francesco Meoni, Responsabile Linea Pilota


19 April 2023
14:30 - 18:00
Event Category:


(+39) 051.0923250


Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 20
Bologna, 40133 Italia
+ Google Map

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