13 April 2023 /10:00 - 14:00
On Thursday 13 April, we hosted the event in cooperation with BitBang ‘Data management and governance: strategies for data-driven organisations’ talking about data management, data observability and much more.
Organisations recognise data as a valuable source for identifying insights, making decisions and remaining competitive. However, to be data-driven, it becomes necessary to optimise the ways in which data is managed and governed.
The event will illustrate how a modern data management strategy enables organisations to manage and govern their data while ensuring effectiveness and quality. In particular, the following topics will be covered:
- What is meant by Data Management;
- The central role of Data Governance in Data Management;
- New paradigms of Data Management;
- Data Observability.
In cooperation with BitBang, we hosted a data event on Thursday 13 April at 10:00 a.m. based on the following programme:
- Opening remarks;
- BitBang presentation (by Andrea De Marco);
- Greetings BI-REX (by Stefano Cattorini);
- Data Management speech (by Franco Francia);
- Coffee Break;
- Intervention Data Governance (by Andrea Mazzoni);
- Intervention Data Observability (by Erica Maccaferri);
- Networking Lunch.
At the end of the event, there was a tour of the BI-REX Pilot Line, an advanced smart factory where new Industry 4.0 technologies are integrated with traditional ones in a digitally interconnected environment.
For further information write an email to manlio.urbano@bi-rex.it or sara.lusini@bi-rex.it