27 February 2023 /15:00 - 17:30
Following the great success of the presentation event of the ‘SEDAN’ project carried out in partnership by Circle and Lugo Terminal, we organised a double webinar on 27 February to explore some interesting topics related to logistics flows.
The SEDAN projects (Sistema Evoluto per la Digitalizzazione, l’Automazione e la Notarizzazione dei flussi documentali logistici – Evolved System for the Digitisation, Automation and Notarisation of Logistical Document Flows), implemented within the BI-REX calls for proposals, implemented innovative solutions to increase the visibility of the logistical chain and the related optimisation of information flows, through a dematerialisation process. Specifically, the project has made the data exchange between the actors involved more secure and efficient, through the legal digitisation of some critical document flows and the creation of an integrated platform for sharing and exchanging documents between the different operators.
In the context of the project’s conclusion, two further themes are the cue to indicate further areas of improvement and innovation that follow the path of SEDAN and of effective digital interoperability in the multimodal logistics chain: the European Regulation on the electronic transport document that will see new actors operating from 2025 and the paradigm of federative systems that aims at the harmonisation of data exchange between the various actors.
In this context, in order to better clarify the characteristics of the SEDAN project, we organised an online event on Monday 27 February entitled “Digitisation of the Supply Chain: case studies and future prospects” structured around 2 webinars:
1)The electronic transport document and The European eFTI Regulation – state of the art and perspectives (from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.)
- The European eFTI Regulation;
- National perspectives;
- Applications dematerialisation of transport documents (e-cmr).
2) Federative services as an evolutionary trend of digital interoperability in the supply chain – case studies (from 4.15 p.m. to 5.15 p.m.)
- Introduction on federated services:
- Success case 1;
- Success case 2.