Seamless Low Latency Cloud Platforms

The project proposes and evaluates innovative solutions to optimize the process of data acquisition from machines and processing on edge/cloud nodes, with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints on both communication and computation. The project thus explores the possibility of virtualising the control of parts of the production line, migrating the logic from the firmware/PLC layer to the software layer running on edge/cloud nodes, in order to allow system reconfigurability while guaranteeing the fulfilment of QoS constraints in terms of latency and reliability.

The objective of the project is to identify and develop (using open technologies, standards and industrial communication protocols) innovative solutions for the collection and analysis of potentially massive and heterogeneous IIoT real-time data. Specifically, two macro-objectives are identified:

  1. reduction of latency in the data acquisition/analysis process;
  2. virtualisation of the (real-time) control of the production line.
Provision of services, Pilot Line and infrastructure
The project will make use of the technologies and services offered by the BI-REX consortium, in particular with regard to the use of the Pilot Line, communication (e.g. 5G) and processing (e.g. cloud) infrastructures and the Project Management service.
  • Poggipolini SpA (Coordinatore)
  • Bonfiglioli SpA
  • Sacmi Imola SC
  • Aetna Group SpA
  • Philip Morris Manufacturing and Technology Bologna SpA
  • IMA SpA
  • CDM Tecnoconsulting SpA
  • Siemens SpA
  • DataRiver Srl

Call: Call 1

Area: Big Data for Manufacturing

Sub Area: Industrial Cloud Integration Solutions with Low Latency and High Reliability

Implementation period: 31.07.2020 – 31.01.2022